After Thanksgiving Thoughts

By |Published On: November 25, 2011|Categories: News|

fall treeFirst, I want you to know you really made my Thanksgiving evening – I so ENJOYED reading all your wonderful comments, memories, things you are thankful to God for, Bible verses, and more (from new friends and old). Just sitting there reading, I felt as though I were in a ‘unseen’ circle of fellowship with you, all of us blessing and praising God together! And now…

Don’t you just love the Thanksgiving weekend? There’s nothing like turkey sandwiches with cold stuffing and cranberry sauce on soft, white bread. I really enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers! Speaking of which, yesterday around the table after dinner, Ken read through some Old Testament passages to get us into the spirit of gratitude; God sure served up a full meal of spectacular miracles back then! But what about today?  Are we tasting “leftovers” just because no Red Sea is parting? Is God serving up something less than his “best” if he chooses to reveal himself through the pages of His Word rather than through the pillar of cloud and fire? Ken recently snapped this photo of the burning-red bush ablaze in our front yard (it always reminds me of the burning bush in the Old Testament through which God spoke) – but does God speak just as powerfully today, as he did on Mount Horeb?

Friend, nothing is ever left over or warmed up when it comes to God’s workings. Look, God may have in-dwelt a burning bush way back when, but just think: now He resides inside you, His child! So “taste and see that the Lord is good” knowing that what He does in our lives is always good, delightful, and worthy of our gratitude. God may have given Solomon wisdom, but hasn’t He done the same for you? He may have delivered Gideon, but hasn’t He rescued you as well? God satisfied the mouth of David with good things, but hasn’t the Lord also fattened your soul with more blessings than you can count? So this weekend say with me, “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:1-2). While the Thanksgiving blessings are still fresh in your mind, while the prayers of gratitude are still echoing around the table, forget not all His benefits.

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