National Caregivers Month

By |Published On: November 12, 2012|Categories: News|

wear comfortable shoes book coverAs 65 million Americans struggle to care for a sick, disabled, or elderly loved one, the need is greater than ever for experienced leaders to offer practical help to those who care for society’s most vulnerable members. With a focus on “those who push the wheelchair,” my friend, Peter Rosenberger, draws upon more than 26 years of experience as a caregiver to his wife, Gracie – a car accident crushed her body and she has gone through 73 operations, multiple amputations, 55 physicians, and 12 hospitals. Since November is National Caregivers Month, I wanted to bring this great resource to your attention – it’s got practical tips, Biblical principles, and a smattering of Peter’s outrageous humor, all in order to equip others to survive and thrive as caregivers. So take a look and share the news with your Facebook friends who are caregiving. Wear Comfortable Shoes is a remarkable resource for those who ‘stand behind’ the wheelchair!

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